Arrangement for Dissemination of Corporate Communications

Under the current arrangement, HKR International Limited (“HKRI” or the “Company”) makes available the Company’s Corporate Communications (other than Actionable Corporate Communication) to shareholders by electronic means through the Company’s website (the “HKRI Website”) and the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEC”) at (together, the “Websites”), if the relevant shareholders have consented, or are deemed to have consented, to receive the website version of the Corporate Communications, as described in section headed “Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications (Other than Actionable Corporate Communications)” below. Shareholders and investors who wish to be notified of the Corporate Communications published by HKRI may also subscribe for the News Alerts service on the HKEC website. Printed form of the Corporate Communications will be sent to those shareholders who have made written requests, or whose consent (express or deemed) has not been sought.

Pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Company must send Actionable Corporate Communications to securities holders individually and cannot comply with a rule requirement by making the Actionable Corporate Communications available only through the Websites. Under the current arrangement, Actionable Corporate Communications of the Company will be sent in printed form to securities holders individually.

“Corporate Communications” refers to all documents issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of holders of any of our securities, including, but not limited to, the directors’ report and annual accounts together with a copy of the auditor’s report and, where applicable, its summary financial report, the interim report and, where applicable, its summary interim report, notices of meeting, listing documents, circulars and proxy forms.

“Actionable Corporate Communications”
refers to any Corporate Communications that seeks instructions from securities holders of the Company on how they wish to exercise their rights or make an election as securities holders of the Company but it does not include notices of general meetings and proxy forms.

Electronic Dissemination of Corporate Communications (other than Actionable Corporate Communications)

HKRI will seek consent from each new registered shareholder to receiving the website version of all future Corporate Communications, other than Actionable Corporate Communications. Similar consent will be sought from the existing registered shareholders bi-annually. If the Company has not received a response indicating the shareholder’s objection within a period of 28 days from our request, the registered shareholder will be deemed to have elected the website version instead of a printed version, and a notification of the posting of the relevant Corporate Communications on the HKRI Website will be sent to the shareholder by email, or if no email address is provided by the shareholder, by post at the address recorded on the register of members of the Company.

A registered shareholder who has elected (or is deemed to have elected) the website version but for any reason has difficulty in accessing the relevant Corporate Communications posted on the HKRI Website, or wishes to receive printed copies of such Corporate Communications, we will upon request, send the printed version free of charge within 21 days (or within 7 days if such documents require an action to be taken by him/her). Nonetheless, such request does not constitute a change in his/her election. Please refer to the section headed “Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications” below for a revocation and change of your previous election.

For non-registered shareholders, notifications of the publication of the Corporate Communications on the HKRI website will be sent by email, and if no email addresses are provided, by post. Non-registered shareholders may also request to receive the Printed Versions of Corporate Communications.

Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications

Upon publication of our Corporate Communications on HKRI website, registered shareholders and non-registered shareholders who wish to receive the relevant Corporate Communications in printed form or in a language version other than their existing choices may submit a request form to the Company’s share registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (“Share Registrar”).

Registered shareholders and non-registered shareholders may from time to time change their choices of language or means of receiving Corporate Communications. A shareholder’s request for the printed version of future Corporate Communications will remain valid until the instruction has been revoked, superseded or expired, or for one year from the date of receiving his/her instruction (whichever is earlier).

All requests should be sent to the Share Registrar, at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, or by email to

Shareholders who have any queries in relation to the election of language and means of receipt of Corporate Communications may call the enquiry hotline of the Share Registrar at (852) 2862 8688 during business hours (9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays) or send their queries by email to