Our Environment

HKRI is determined to uphold its sustainability vision to provide the best homes, ancillary facilities, and living environment for the communities in which we operate. This can be seen in action at Discovery Bay, Hong Kong's first “eco-friendly town.”
  • HKRI actively incorporates green building practices at every stage of its new property development and during the refurbishment phase of existing buildings, including planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and renovation.  
  • Our flagship project in mainland China, HKRI Taikoo Hui, consists of a number of smart and green buildings. The complex incorporates a lot of smart features such as high speed elevators that run on renewable energy, smart lighting system and optimised rainwater drainage system. Meanwhile, its green features are reflected in the use of environmentally friendly and low-emitting materials, the adoption of floor-to-ceiling glass facade and 250-metre skylight which can maximise natural lighting, advanced electrical and thermal appliances to reduce emissions as well as reclaimed water system to conserve water. PM2.5 filtration system (remove up to 80% - 90% smaller particles) is adopted to ensure high indoor air quality. 
  • We take great care to adhere to the Group’s internal Project Management Guideline and international standards, such as the Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM) Plus certification and LEED®, which all encourage and recognise green building features,  dedicating to enhancing the quality of life in the communities we operate. HKRI Taikoo Hui obtained LEED® Platinum and Gold certifications for its office towers and retail mall respectively. At the same time, we target to obtain BEAM Plus certification for our properties under development in Hong Kong. 
  • Since 2016, we have signed the Energy Saving Charter by the Environment Bureau of Hong Kong, with a defined commitment to closely monitoring our fuel consumption and taking all necessary steps to minimise our carbon footprint.
  • Electricity consumption from daily operations and fuel consumption by our fleet of ferries and buses at Discovery Bay are our main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. We have installed more than 600 rooftop solar panels in Discovery Bay, the CDW Building, and Tsing Yi Shipyard, which are now connected to the grid. Meanwhile, we have adopted solar capturing devices, such as solar street lights. 
  • The DB Ice Rink exclusively uses a time-controlled LED lighting system. Additionally, an ice blanket is used on the surface of the ice during non-operational hours to reduce energy consumption.
  • In the Transportation Services department, we have been adopting Euro VI buses and electric hire cars. All ferries use Marine Light Diesel Oil with a sulphur content of less than 0.05% to reduce direct emissions of greenhouse gases.
  • In the construction sites, we use a battery energy storage system to power machinery with electricity, replacing diesel. 
  • We actively promote collaboration between our business units to reduce energy use while exploring new ways to increase efficiency with energy-saving appliances and operation system optimisation, transitioning to low-carbon economy.
  • Understanding that freshwater is a scarce natural resource, HKRI has stepped further to formulate a holistic approach to make better use of limited water resources in our operations, especially those in Discovery Bay, which account for the majority of our water consumption.
  • For instance, our Transportation business uses recycled water for washing buses, reducing the need for fresh water. 
  • Discovery Bay Golf Club utilises a rainwater collection system to collect rainwater for irrigation purposes. 
  • Some of our properties have installed water-saving devices, such as flow restrictors, dual-flush systems, and automatic faucets. In Discovery Bay, we have also installed a Water Leakage Detection System to identify and repair leakage issues in a timely manner.
  • In our projects under development in mainland China, we utilise rainwater to irrigate and water vegetation and unpaved roads. When circumstances allow, we also install comprehensive remote electricity metres, water metres, and data analysis platforms for tenants to monitor and analyse energy and water consumption.

Effective waste management is crucial for conservation of natural resource. We are committed to carefully managing and reducing the consumption and recycling or converting waste materials into useful resources. 

Managing hazardous waste:

  • For hazardous waste, which includes engine oil and lubricating oil mostly derived from our transport operations, we have meticulously set out specific procedures to handle it in a responsible manner to avoid contamination despite that hazardous waste accounts for a small portion. Meanwhile, we appoint registered external waste collectors to collect hazardous waste and dispose of it responsibly under strict and transparent conditions. 
  • We recycle fluorescent tubes, energy saving bulbs, electrical and electronic waste, and ink cartridges through appropriate channels, such as Green@Community.

Managing non-hazardous waste:

  • In terms of construction waste management, we work closely with construction contractors and enforce specific procedures, and maximise the use of reusable and recyclable materials and upcycle construction waste. We also encourage business units to upcycle waste and reduce disposed waste.
  • We have developed pioneering waste reduction and recycling practices in our operations. Waste collection and separation facilities are in place to collect plastic bottles, used tyres, common recyclables, used clothes, second-hand books, toys and glass bottles to encourage tenants, customers and residents to recycle and reduce waste. Re-usable items collected are donated to various NGOs to help the underprivileged.  Glass bottles are ground into small sand granules through glass grinder at Discovery Bay and are then used for road repair work.
  • We are a pioneer of food waste minimisation. Food waste composters were first introduced to Discovery Bay in 2012, and DB was also among the first batch of residential estates to join the government’s “Pilot Scheme on Food Waste Collection”, which converts food waste into energy in O. Park. Our hospitality operation at Discovery Bay also collects and recycles or converts used coffee grounds and unused fruits into useful materials, and has joined the  Environmental Protection Department’s “Waste Cooking Oils” Recycling Administrative Registration Scheme to gather waste cooking oils for converting into biodiesel. 
Raising good environmental stewardship requires a strong chain of cooperation from commercial entities to communities and at an individual level. Creating environmental awareness and fostering behavioural changes are vital to drive sustainability, and everyone has a role to play. Thus, we are committed to raising awareness of sustainability internally among our staff and externally among the Discovery Bay community and other communities we manage through notices, workshops and recycle boxes, as well as regular green activities.